Monday 24 January 2022

Surrender and take action.

I just logged into my blog for the first time in almost exactly 2 years and I came across a post that I never published from April of 2020. I wrote about a collective crucifixion, a chance for the world to 'die' to all that we've known and emerge as better people. 

Have we done that? I don't know. What I do know, is that there have been many lessons to learn and also lots of things to unlearn. I know for myself, that I've definitely been unlearning a lot of what I've believed my whole life; but are we better off yet? I don't think so. The world as a whole is lacking spiritual practice. We are lacking connection to a power greater than ourselves. Never before in history has God been as phased out as He is today and I believe THAT is our greatest problem.

A Course In Miracles teaches that our ONLY problem is our separation from God* and whenever I have a problem or something is plaguing my mind, I ask myself; have you prayed today? Have you meditated today? Have you made any sort of effort to align your mind with something greater? Without fail, the answer in these instances is always no. This is not to say that I will pray and my problem will disappear, far from it. But when I pray and meditate I am better equipped to handle the problem and I don't feel as overwhelmed. 

It does not have to be God that you talk to; your Higher Power can be whoever or whatever you want it to be, but as humans, we need that connection and we need that belief. 

I have been feeling defeated. I have been feeling lost. I have been feeling bored. I have been feeling totally unmotivated and ungrateful. I believe it is very important to feel our feelings but to not stay stuck there. I never allowed myself to feel my feelings as child/teen/young adult so I've got a lot of them waiting in line and sometimes it can be overwhelming. (Especially when you're in year 2 of a 'global pandemic' with nothing to do but feel them)

In times like these, I need to up my spiritual practice. I need to surrender to God and tell Him that even though I am feeling lost, I am willing to see it all differently. I am willing to change. I am willing to surrender these fear based feelings over to Him. 

Today, I am surrendering by writing this post and even if it doesn't reach anyone, it has connected me back to myself and back to God.

I pray that whatever you are dealing with today, this week, this month, last year ... that you have the willingness to surrender it to the care of your Higher Power, take action and watch as things transform.

And so it is.



This is a very important week spiritually. For the past three years, Easter has been a very intense time in my life. Jesus is persecuted and dies on the cross for our sins; I never quite understood this from a religious standpoint when I was younger, but now, from a spiritual standpoint I can equate my sins to anything that is unhealed within myself, and therefore Jesus dying on the cross is symbolic to me that I might 'die' to the unhealed parts of myself. I don't know about any of you reading this, but does stuff come up for you around Easter time? Painful memories, old behaviour patterns, perhaps you have even realized that a large part of your life just isn't working for you anymore? Whatever it is, now is a perfect time to honour it and release it, or, allow it to die.

Once we have actually listened to what our soul is trying to tell us and honoured our feelings/memories/old behaviours that no longer serve us; we can then and only then make the appropriate action plan to move forward, thus rising, as Jesus does from the dead.

I really feel like Easter is the holiest and most transformative holiday in the Christian religion, and when we make it meaningful for ourselves, I believe we are honouring what Jesus would have wanted us to do.

We all have the capability to deviate from God's will for us; we make mistakes, treat people unkindly and live in fear, but we can always get back on the beam, so to say, and align ourselves with God's Love and all that is righteous.

This Easter I have finally allowed myself to process the lessons from the last three years and I feel, after quite a few very dark days and nights that I have emerged closer to the woman God would have me be.

We are dealing with a very challenging situation in the world right now, our collective crucifixion, if you will. The world is essentially shut down as a result of the coronavirus; and I want to make sure I have made the most of this quiet time. I don't want to look back and have ignored this opportunity for growth. We owe it to ourselves. The state of the world right now, coupled with the power of Easter has proven to be very transformative for me, and I am grateful.

Here's to living with and for the Love of God, not the fear of the devil.
