Tuesday 26 August 2014

How to experience joy

Joy is defined as: "a feeling of great pleasure and happiness"

Isn't that what we all want?? Great pleasure and happiness? Of course!! How do we experience this? And is it possible to live in a perpetual state of joy? Of course!! The issue we must first tackle is the voice of fear inside our heads. That voice that tells us we are not good enough, not smart enough, not experienced enough, etc....The voice of fear in my head tells me that I can't write because I don't have anything NEW to say, that I've said it all before. The truth is living a spiritual life is very simple. There aren't a million and one rules that need to be followed in order to experience the ultimate joy. All we have to do is lovingly be here now. And take action in the direction of our dreams.

I was watching an interview on OWN with Oprah and Deepak Chopra last night, and Deepak stated that the single most valuble lesson that he has learned over his 40+ year spiritual career is to be here now. He then went on to say that the person that is in front of you in this very moment is the most important person in your life and the best way you can plan for your future is to be present in this moment and everything will fall into place.


So, although I already knew that it is of the utmost importance to stay present, hearing it AGAIN, in a slighly different way really helped me.

Then I got to thinking, why do I allow my fear to tell me that I've already shared all I need to share on the topic of living a spiritually fit life? If I can be totally moved by hearing something I've heard a million times, surely my writing may help someone too, whether they've heard it before or not. We are all here to share our unique talents and gifts with the world - to serve others in the way that we know how. We are here to do the things we feel passionate about, and by staying present and grounded in this moment, I am able to hear my intuition speaking to me and by listening to my intuition and taking action, I am able to experience joy.

Life is all about the action. We must take action in the direction of our dreams. I can't just sit around and hope to have a successful spiritual business by doing nothing. So here I am, taking action in this moment towards my dreams and I feel pure bliss!

I am so grateful to always be a happy learner and to me, gratitude is an action word! I am learning how to embrace my imperfections and I am also learning how to embrace the parts of myself that I think are really awesome! By writing about my experience, I am putting my gratitude into action! When I am staying true to myself and expressing my authenticity without fear of being judged - I experience joy and I am able to help others, through helping others I help myself and when I am helping myself, I am more open and receptive to love and to BE LOVED.

Be. Here. Now.

I challenge you today, in whatever you are doing, to be fully present in that task, trust that it is exactly where you're supposed to be and trust that every single person we encounter in our day is part of God's plan for us.

Remembering that allows me to be kind and loving.

If my heart is closed and I am living in the past or the future, I am cutting off my connection to the Divine order of this life.

"I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart,
I usually make the right decision.
I've learned that even when I have pains,
I don't have to be one.
I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone.
People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.
I've learned that people will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel"

- Maya Angelou

If you catch yourself living in the past or obsessing about the future, stop what you're doing and take 5 DEEP breaths, in through your nose and our through your mouth. You'll be surprised at how effective this is! I know I was. Focusing on the breath will bring you back to the present moment where all is well and you are Love. Some days you may have to practice grounding yourself quite often, do not be discouraged. It's all part of the learning experience and it's worth it - trust me. 

Sending light and love,
