Wednesday 16 March 2016

The rose.

If you've ever really looked at a rose, which I hadn't until yesterday, you'll notice the sheer perfection of it's existence.

The pedals of a rose are perfectly crafted to come together to make the flower itself a masterpiece. Examining the rose has absolutely blown my mind. The thorns on the roses stem are as sharp as knives, and this, I've learned, is to protect the rose from plant-eating animals. What I also can't get over, is how perfectly placed the leaves are on the stem of a rose to cover the thorns, and this, I believe is to protect our hands, as those beautiful leaves sure did protect mine. The point of my analyzing the perfection of a rose is that it reinforces my belief that God thinks of absolutely everything. He creates the most fascinating and the most beautiful things on this earth for us to enjoy. What then, could ever make us believe that WE are not His MOST fascinating and beautiful creation?

Enter fear. What we have learned here.

Fear causes us to do a whole lot of crazy shit, including believe that we are not a perfect reflection of God himself. I know for me, fear is the underlying factor in absolutely all of my defects of character. If I lie, it stems from fear. If I am insecure, fear. If I am judgmental, fear. I could go on … the point is, we are human and we all experience fear and that fear, if allowed to control our lives can cause us to act out in ways that are not in accordance with our true selves (aka Love)

A Course In Miracles teaches me that I have to unlearn everything I have learned here on earth, to remember the truth of my being, which is Love and return to that state.

This, in my experience, takes practice. Daily devotion to Love AND forgiveness.

I stress forgiveness because, like I said, fear causes us to make mistakes. When I do something that I am not proud of, instead of losing my mind and scrambling to do whatever it takes to fix the situation (which is in turn just injecting the situation with MORE FEAR) my work is to PAUSE and immediately thank God for bringing to my attention something that I need to work on. What is actually happening, if I choose to see mistakes through the eyes of Love, is God is giving me an opportunity to correct a deep rooted belief about myself. THEN, once I am calm, I can identify exactly what it is that I need to learn from the situation, practice radical forgiveness for myself and surrender the outcome.

That's it. I need not try and control the situation, I need not try to lie and manipulate my way out. What I need to do is surrender, LOVE and trust the process.

In the bible we are fortunate enough to read some beautiful verses, one of my favourites, which is actually the background on my phone comes from Isaiah, verse 26, line 3.

"You, Lord, give perfect peace
to those who keep their purpose firm
and put their trust in you"

Truer words never spoken.

When I actually sit down to think about all life and the world and what I am meant to be doing here, nothing but Love comes to mind. We have been blessed with a mere 80-100 years on this beautiful planet, if we are lucky. How do you want to spend those days? Keep it simple and trust the process, follow your heart, and if I may quote the lovely Cinderella, have courage and be kind.

Life is too short to take ourselves so seriously. If you've made a mistake, own it, learn from it and move forward. Beating yourself up only creates more stress. And if someone chooses to not be in your life as a result of a mistake you've made, or for any other reason at all, that's their prerogative. Honour yourself by honouring others. If someone is judging you, it is a reflection of them and has absolutely nothing to do with you. Acceptance + love is the answer.

Life doesn't stop for anyone. My experience has been that when I put my trust in God, I am granted the perfect peace that is promised to me, that is promised to us all. Sometimes I get mixed up in fear and that is when things get difficult, however I always have a choice to remember who I am and choose Love.

Here's to living in Love,
