Monday 30 December 2013

BE your true self!

In the final few days of 2013, I find myself in a place of reflection. I catch myself each day thinking 'on this day last year I was....' (fill in the blank). I am amazed at the changes that have taken place in my life over the last year, all of which came as a direct result of taking the appropriate ACTION to live in alignment with the woman I truly am.

I set the intention last year at this time to move into action in the area of my spiritual practice. I was reading all the spiritual blogs, tons of self help books, and acquiring a wealth of knowledge on spirituality and the topics I was interested in, but I was doing nothing with the information I was learning. I was living from a complete and total place of fear. In fact, I was paralyzed by that fear. Sure, I knew a ton about how to become peaceful and happy (my main tools today are: prayer, meditation, positive affirmations and journaling) I also knew exactly what I needed to do (end my relationship) - but was I doing any of it? No. Way.

It thrills me to report today that I did it! And by 'it' I mean I threw myself into action, I faced my biggest fear (being alone) and started to develop MY spiritual practice (through prayer, meditation, positive affirmations and journaling) and I have grown immensely over the last year as a result. I am so excited to share this experience and to set my intentions for the New Year because I learned first hand that with ACTION, commitment and living in alignment with your true self, change will occur. And it will be for the better.

What this new year represents for me are new opportunities to embrace the woman I ALREADY am. I am already 100% spiritual (and so are you). What we need to do is accept that (surrender) and move through the blocks that are in the way of us accessing that place of complete peace and serenity. I am not planning on making a list of new years resolutions, but rather an action plan for the year ahead. I am going to further commit to discovering ALL of me through my DAILY practices. It is about having that willingness to move through any darkness, move through that fear, make that commitment to yourself and follow through with the appropriate action, no matter what.

"First say to yourself what would you be; and then do what you have to do" -Epictetus

I would take the above noted quote one step further and instead of asking myself what I WOULD be; I will connect with my soul and understand that I already AM that person, I just need to move into that role by taking the appropriate action.

It's a beautiful and comforting feeling to know that within each one of us is a soul and God put us on this earth so we could fulfill our highest potentials.

What are you waiting for?

3 steps to take in the next couple of days are:

1) Get CLEAR on what you want for yourself and write it down. Do as Epictetus says, ask yourself who you want to be (who you really are), also ask yourself how you want to feel. Set the intentions.

2) Come up with an action plan. What steps will you take? What are the things that you can do each day to be more in alignment with your true self? How are you going to achieve your desired results? Remember, the power is within you and this plan is unique to you.

3) FORGIVE yourself IMMEDIATELY if (and when) you take steps backwards, or act in a way that is not in alignment with your highest self. We are human, and everyone makes mistakes. Mistakes are how we learn (so I would not even call it a "mistake" at all) the most important thing to do when faced with a "mistake" is to forgive, forgive, forgive. It is of absolutely no use to beat yourself up, learn from it, and do better next time. Holding any resentments against ourselves is poison. God forgives us everything, we can do the same.

So, what are your intentions? I would love to hear!!!!

I wish you all nothing but LOVE in the year to come, I hope that you honour yourselves and TAKE ACTION towards being who you were put on this earth to be!!!

Happy New Year!!!!!!

Love, Kylie


Affirmation for the day/week/month: I am supported!

Friday 6 December 2013

Stop trying to change what God created.

What makes you happy?

For me, I'm authentically happy when I'm practicing acceptance. It's that simple. Yet I am STILL constantly trying to CHANGE myself in order to be healthier or more spiritual. Nothing is ever good enough. What's up with that??

There is absolutely nothing wrong with trying to better yourself, AS LONG as it is to become a more authentic version of exactly who YOU are.

This is where I sometimes get confused.

In this day and age we are absolutely inundated with social media. I am not very techonologically savvy but I do know how to use Facebook and Instagram and I will admit, I love them both. That being said, there is a flip side to that love and that is the constant comparison and feelings of not being good enough that come along with it. I follow a lot of super healthy people, spiritual healers and authors and I LOVE and respect them all, but being human, I can compare. My ego compares my life to what I see on the internet and this is a recipe for disaster.

There was a point in my life where I was waking up at 4 in the morning to complete my list of 10+ things that I "HAD" to do in the morning in order to make myself a successful human being. Eventually when this became way too much for me to handle, I took a few things off the list and then a few more and eventually I stopped doing everything I had on that list all together. I then proceeded to beat myself up for not having a super healthy, super spiritual, "perfect" morning routine.

I have been struggling with the negative self talk and feelings of inadequacy for quite some time now as I've been "off" my "perfect" morning routine for a while, or so I thought. It wasn't until a good friend shared his beautiful experience with me that I realized I DO have a morning routine!

Maybe it doesn't involve doing 10 things before I even step into the shower, but it's MINE. It is simple and relaxing, it is also ever changing. Rigidity doesn't work for me and I need to remember that (as I always try and MAKE it work) Currently, I wake up, drink a glass of water, tell myself I love myself in the mirror, say a prayer from ACIM, shower, make my bed, take my vitamins and eat breakfast. Super NORMAL and simple!!! I don't even meditate in the morning right now because I would rather sleep as much as I can. I admit it. And it's okay because TODAY I am the closest I've ever been to my authentic self and today, THAT is what I need to be in order to be happy. (Note: I DO meditate, it's very important to me, just not first thing)

My struggles with inadequacy and uneasiness come up in many different areas of my life, my morning routine being just one example, I assure you that surrender and unconditional acceptance are actions I practice every single day.

It is essential for me to accept myself exactly as I am and to accept those in my life exactly as they are.

Constantly striving for change leaves me no time to ENJOY the life I have and the person I am becoming.

Letting go and allowing GOD to work His magic is the key.

I vow to STOP trying to change what God created.

How can you accept yourself today?

Do you have a fun morning routine?

I would love to hear about it!!
