Tuesday 7 April 2015

We are called to be the Light.

"Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most" - Buddha

I love calling on the above noted wisdom from Buddha, it really simplifies things for me. Each morning, we are given a fresh start, a new day, a clean slate. It is up to us what we are going to do with it. The end. (Ok, not really the end...)

Easter has come and gone and I had a beautiful holiday weekend spent with friends and family, celebrating the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

No matter what you choose to believe in, I believe we can all learn from Jesus' teachings. His words and His actions, to me, are some of the most power examples of unconditional love, forgivness and acceptance.

At church on Sunday morning, my Pastor shared the most beautiful sermon. He said, much like Buddha, that every morning, we are given the opportunity to leave the "tomb" and walk in the Light with Jesus.

And again, if you don't believe in Jesus, you don't have to walk with Him... you can walk in the Light with whomever or whatever you choose :)

This got me thinking ...

When we go to sleep at night, we essentially "die" to that day, we cannot change a single thing that happened, we cannot undo anything we said or did, we must leave yesterday behind. It is truly a blessing and a miracle to wake up again with a fresh start. A blessing and a miracle that can too often be taken for granted.

Here are some ways in which I shift my energy if ever I wake up and I'm tempted to get stuck in negativity. Pick one and start applying it to your morning routine, I would love to hear what happens!!

First and foremost, gratitude is your best friend!! I find it very helpful to Thank God in the morning for waking me up and for allowing me to have a beautiful sleep in my cozy bed. I do this before I even open my eyes in the morning. It immediately sets the tone for my day :)

When I get up and get moving, I start chatting with God right away, just like I would my best friend :) My ego mind/fear based thinking definitely tries to creep in from time to time by telling me that I am tired, that I wish I could go back to sleep, that I don't want to go to work, etc, etc, etc ... whatever the negative chatter is for you, I encourage you to conciously shift those thoughts in the morning to Loving, positive thoughts. Ask God to help you with this if need be. The morning is the most important time to set your intention for the day ... actively changing your thoughts (if they tend to be negative), is key to getting off on the right foot!

Smile at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you Love yourself, while gazing deeply into your eyes. Seriosuly. Do this. You may feel ridiculous at first (I did!), but stick with it! It will change your life.

Keep smiling :) I am smiling right now. At my computer screen. As I write this. Smile all day!

No matter what happens throughout the day, it is important to remember that you can re-start your day at any moment, if you find that you've gotten irritated and are tempted to stay stuck in that low-vibe energy, you always have a choice to shift. Honour the irritation, learn from it and move on.

I will leave you with this, from the genuis that is Dr. Wayne Dyer;

"Raise yourself to the level of energy where you are the light you seek, where you are the happiness you desire, where you are the love you feel is missing, where you are the unlimited abundance you crave"

And for all of you who think Jesus is super cool, remember those bracelets that were sweeping the nation back in the 90's? W.W.J.D? I think those should make a comback ... when in doubt, just ask yourself.... how would Jesus (or your version of a Higher Power) show up to the situation? And then go do that.

Love & LIGHT,
