Monday 17 November 2014

Feelings pt. 2

I want to revisit the topic of feelings. In my last post I focused on the importance of feeling our painful feelings, as we need to feel them in order to heal them. Running away from the darkness does not make it go away, it keeps us stuck! That being said, because of our little friend we like to call fear, there are plenty of positive, happy feelings that we also want to run from, and for some people (myself included) being happy can be just as uncomfortable (at first!)

To feel can be defined as "to be aware of" or "to experience" - so by definition, it seems to me that feeling is an action word. Yes, our feelings come up in the form of emotions but in order to move through anything, we need to take action.

I think it is important to also point out that feelings aren't facts. In my opinion, our feelings arise from the deep rooted beliefs that we have about ourselves and the world, which are generally untrue. They are beliefs that we ourselves have cultivated and affirmed over the years, which therefore (to me) means they are definitely not of God.

That being said, we need to step out of our comfort zones and enjoy all of the exciting experiences that God presents us with. Situations that can be catagorized as amazing and exciting can feel terrifying and that's okay, as long as we don't allow the fear to get in the way of the action we need to take.

I don't know about you, but anytime I am about to take action in the direction of my dreams, I experience fear.

New job - fear.

New relationship - fear.

Going back to school - fear.

This is when it's important to become a peaceful observer of your thoughts, shed light on that old fear based belief system, acknowledge it and move forward with the positive exprience anyway in order to grow, change and find joy. Having faith and trust that God has a reason for me to be exactly where I am gives me the courage to do this work.

We can't expect to be living our best lives if we are unwilling to take appropriate action in the direction of our dreams. God brings us to each situation, yes, but we are responsible for ultimately making it happen!

Unless you are in mortal danger, fear is an indicator showing you where to go!

So, being scared to let your guard down in that new relationship, for example, is an indicator that that's exactly what you need to do.

Trust the process.

You're learning.

Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

Go get it!

Sending tons of love,
