Tuesday 28 October 2014


"Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Concious breathing is my anchor"
-Thich Nhat Hanh

Mastin Kipp rocks it in the opening of his new book by saying;

"For Grace to unfurl in your life, you need to shake your foundations so the soil loosens, allowing devastating catastrophes to become wondrous opportunities"

After seeing Mastin lecture on Saturday night, and hearing his emphasis on the importance of feeling our feelings (which I agree with, wholeheartedly) I couldn't help but wonder, how have I been avoiding my feelings?

As human beings, we all have experience in facing painful situations. These situations will vary from person to person, some we will be able to relate to, and others not, but no matter what the situation may be, we all experience the same feelings at one point or another in our lives. Sadness, anger, hurt and hopelessness are just some of those "icky" feelings that we tend to run away from. We mask them with distractions, relationships and our careers, we stuff them down with drugs, alcohol, food or shopping, we do anything to not feel these feelings. In my opinion, this inability to handle life on life's terms is one of the root causes of addiction. 

Addiction can be defined as;

"the continued repetition of behaviour despite adverse consequences".

Of course it is easy to see the adverse consequences related to excessive drug and alcohol use, but remove the substance, whatever it may be (which is actually just the addicted persons solution to their life problem, not the problem itself) and what you are left with is the actual issue. The issue is the inability to handle life on life's terms. It is a lack of confidence in oneself to move through life successfully. It is a lack of love, and that lack of love is really damaging to our souls.

I use the term 'addicted' to describe the escape because we continue to repeat a behaviour (for the sake of this blog: running away) despite the adverse consequences. (Adverse can be defined as "preventing success or development; harmful; unfavourable") By constantly running from our feelings and not facing them, we are preventing our own development.

I do believe that there is a Power greater than ourselves that is guiding our every move, this Power brings us to each situation with purpose. I choose to call this Power, God, but you may refer to it as whatever you like.

My expeirnece has been that when I surrender and allow God to enter my life, I am given the strength and courage I need to take action. (I invite God in through prayer and meditation)

My experience has also been that when I remain open, I learn to identify the patterns and situations that cause me pain and then I have a choice to do things differently.


Feelings won't kill you. When we acknowledge them, we allow them to pass through us.

That's the goal, angels. Feel those feelings that you've been running from.

Give yourself the space to allow whatever is meant to come.

Get rid of all your favourite distractions!

You can do it!

What actions are you going to take?

Faith is trusting in advance what will only make sense in reverse.

PS: Please, PLEASE, make sure to have compassion for yourself on this journey, don't beat yourself up if you discover you've been running away - trust that you've been doing the best that you can with what you have.

As always, take what resonates and leave the rest :)

Love, Kylie

Thursday 23 October 2014

The truth will set you free

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” - John 8:31-32

Amen, Jesus!!

What is this truth that Jesus speaks of? I think it's Love. I think the truth is living in alignment with your spirit, which is made up of love. It's who we are at the core of our being. I live in alignment with my spirit by honouring my authentic self. I ask God/the Universe to guide me and I follow my intuition.   

The truth is not found in taking the easy way out. Following your truth can be very difficult at first. In my experience, God's will starts out hard and gets easy, whereas MY will starts out easy and gets hard.

That's when faith and trust in God's plan comes into play. When we can trust that something of value is being worked out within us, even if we can't see or comprehend the end result, that's faith. Clarity does not come until we have learned the lesson that God wants to teach us. The more and more that I trust God's plan is better than mine, the more I am exercising my faith and it becomes easier to just rely on God, rather than question Him.

One of my favourite quotes from A Course In Miracles is as follows:

"What could you not accept, if you but knew, that all events, past, present and to come, are gently planned by One Whose only purpose is your good?"

When I surrender and live in alignment, I am one with God. When I am one with God, I am allowing the truth to set me free.

Short and sweet today because it really is that simple.

I honour my truth, which in turn allows me to honour yours.

With Love,


Tuesday 7 October 2014

The Universe always has your back!

The key to serenity is trusting that the Universe has your back!

It really doesn't get simpler than that, loves!

Although, sometimes when everything seems to be going "wrong" and sadness sets in, it is pretty hard to accept that it's all part of the plan, right? At least it can be for me.

I pride myself on living a God-centered life. I love prayer, meditation, journaling and positive affirmations and these practices are part of my daily routine. That doesn't mean everything is perfect though and it definitely doesn't mean that I am immune to sadness. When sadness creeps in, it often comes as quite a shock, I really am used to flowing peacefully with the Universe these days - so when a bout of sadness hits me (like it has over the last couple of days) or when I am going through some discomfort, I can get so thrown off and caught up in it - which ultimately makes it worse.

What I have learned over the years (and from my most recent experience) is that sometimes I need to experience discomfort in order to grow and change, and that I need to go through sadness so I can know what authentic happiness feels like. I truly believe in my heart that we are being Divinely Guided at all times, so practicing unconditional acceptance of the range of beautiful emotions we can feel as human beings is the only option for me if I want to maintain peace in my life.

I don't come to these conclusions on my own, and I don't get through hard times on my own. I come to these conclusions and I get through hard times with the beautiful people that God places in my life on a daily basis. A Course In Miracles teaches me that every encounter is a holy encounter, so as long as I am open-minded enough to recieve the gifts that others have to give me and to learn the lessons and to embrace them, then each and every single person that I encounter throughout the day is my teacher.


If I am stuck in my ego mind, as I am when I am living in a place of sadness and pain, I am more often than not judging these beautiful souls that God is strategically placing in my life, and this is not pretty. Last night I had the chance to do things differently, I did the exact opposite of everything my ego (fear) wanted me to do and I was blessed with the ability to see everyone that I encountered through the eyes of Love aka the eyes of God. And I learned. I am so grateful for the lessons I learned!!

Today I feel enlightened. I feel the power of God within me, by choosing to see Love instead of fear, I can continue to change my life.

I am grateful for the journey, and I am grateful that I remain teachable. There's nothing more destructive than a closed-mind.

The key to serenity really is trusting that the Universe has your back. Always. Can we do this? I think we can.

Here's to experiencing serenity even in the darkest places, and trusting that we'll always be brought back to the Light.

