Thursday 17 April 2014

Too busy?

First of all, I need to thank my friend, Rebecca, for inspiring me to write this blog today. I have been thinking about writing a lot lately - this morning I finally prayed for the willingness, and go figure, God gave me exactly what I needed :) Thank you!!

I often find myself saying that I am too busy to write (and it is obviously very easy for me to buy into that) I am also too busy to read, I am too busy to meditate, I am even too busy to pray....what's interesting is that writing, reading, meditating and praying are all things that I REALLY enjoy doing and all of these things make my life significantly better! Why then, does my mind try and talk me out of doing said things?

One word: EGO.

The ego mind.

I define my 'ego' as the part of my brain that wants to edge God out. It is the part of my brain that is stuck in fear. That fear based thinking comes from what I have learned here on earth, it is all of my deep rooted beliefs, the nonsense that I have been actively choosing to believe in or about myself for YEARS. Some of my deep rooted beliefs are: I am not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough or fun enough, money defines happiness and success as a human being and I must appear to have it all together, at all times. Ahhhh!!

Thank GOD none of that is actually true!!!!

What are your fear based beliefs? I would encourage you to make a list of your top 5-10 fears. Awareness is the first step to change!!!

I believe it is now my (our) job to actively turn that fear into love, which is by definition, a miracle.

"A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love" - A Course In Miracles

So, first comes the awareness, then comes the choice. Sometimes we are going to have to actively choose to surrender multiple times a day. It is through that DAILY practice of surrender that I cultivate authentic happiness. It is those times when I choose love over fear that I am living according to God's will for me. I do this by writing. I do this by praying. I do this by reading. I do this by meditating.

The amazing news is, we ALWAYS have a choice. In each moment we choose. So don't panic if you've been choosing fear, forgive yourself immediately and ask for help to see things differently. A beautiful tool that I leanred from Gabrielle Bernstein's "May Cause Miracles" is anytime you catch yourself engaging in a fear based thought, say to yourself "I am willing to see things differently, I am willing to see love instead" Instant relief!

The next time I hear my ego trying to tell me I am "too busy" to do the things that make me happy, I am going to also remember Gabrielle Bernstein's genius response to that statement, which is -- "do you have time to feel like shit??"

Thanks, Rebecca, thanks Gabby, thanks A Course In Miracles, and most importantly, thank you God, for bringing these wonderful women and books into my world so that I can choose love today.

What are the things that you LOVE to do that your ego is telling you you're too busy for? Make a list and DO THEM. Choose love. Choose happiness.

"Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God" -ACIM

Love, Kylie
