Wednesday 14 September 2016

Love doesn't seek anything.

"Understand that your life is a vessel of perfection and allow it to unfold naturally"
-Wayne Dyer

I started really meditating on the practice of allowing a few months ago and it has altered my state of being in the most profound way. Let me explain, but let me first start out by telling you that I am someone who has always had issues with control. For as long as I can remember, I would try to control and manipulate people, places, things and situations to go my way. This failed, time and time again and would result (in what I see now as) unnecessary suffering.

At the time I didn't understand that MY actions were the direct cause of my suffering, I thought it was because some person, place or thing didn't do / didn't go exactly as I had planned. I was always a victim, and there was always someone or something to blame.

I was introduced to the concept of letting go when I entered into recovery from my substance abuse problems back in 2010, yet at that time I still had no idea how to actually "do it". I could not understand for the life of me how to relinquish control. Intellectually, it made sense, however I was still filled with so much fear and that made it impossible to put this practice into action.

Looking back, I am so grateful for all of the years and all of the pain that I experienced as a result of trying (and failing) to hold on to something or someone, because these experiences have taught me to live in a completely new way today and this is by way of non-attachment and allowing.

This may sound easy, but I assure you, it is not. Simple, yes - easy, no.

It takes a daily commitment of surrendering to God's will and trusting that you are not in charge.

In a world that tells us everyday that "you can make your dreams come true" and to "do whatever it takes to reach your goals", the fact that I'm telling you that YOU are not in charge is probably very confusing. Although you do have a PART in creating your best life possible, it BEGINS with the understanding that God doesn't need you to take control. There is a master plan and it isn't one that you need to create.

You will achieve all that you ever dreamed of and more as soon as you understand and act as if you are the CO-creator of your life, not the creator itself.

This understanding and true knowing gives the gift of peace and happiness every single day.

The key to achieving this peace of mind is allowing your life to unfold with no expectations and no attachments to outcomes.

It's all about surrendered action.

Continuously choosing to act from a place of love and not expecting anything in return. Trusting, with 100% certainty that as long as your actions are in alignment with God, you will be taken care of.

Now, here's the question that I asked myself for YEARS...

HOW do you know whether or not you are acting from a place of love??


Love doesn't seek ANYTHING.

So ... if you are doing something with the sole purpose of "getting", you aren't in alignment and you aren't acting from a place of love.


Total revelation.

I need not SEEK or STRIVE for any kind of love from ANYONE or ANYTHING. It is all here, already, and it is in ME to GIVE.

I finally can understand that when I am seeking love from another person, that it is not true, it is of the ego and therefore cannot be trusted to stay.

When I busy myself with giving more love to everyone and everything around me, essentially being of service to all that currently IS, I am naturally allowing the people who are meant to be in my life, to either enter or remain.

When you align yourself with giving love and expecting nothing in return, watch as all of the love in the world finds you. It's really magical.

I will leave you with one of my favourite lessons from A Course In Miracles, and that is, the only thing lacking from any situation, is what you are not giving. Meditate on THAT :)

I hope this blog posts serves you, and I hope it can allow you to surrender a little bit more, and give out a little bit more love today. Trust me when I say, you will receive it back tenfold.

Love always,


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